Destiney May - A Small Town Girls Big Hopes & Dreams

Destiney May - A Small Town Girls Big Hopes & Dreams

Destiney may

First, thank you for taking time to get to know a little more about me. I know sometimes we tend to think we know others by the pictures we share on Social Media, but we are only able to see what others want to share with us and that doesn’t truly showcase our life. Example if you look at my feed you will find my passions, experiences and some things I love but, in this blog post, I will dig a little deeper.

Soel Squad Destiney May, Soel Dancewear


Small Town Gal
I currently live in Kentucky in a small town where everyone knows everyone. I have been told that I have an accent, but I beg to differ. Around here Southern Charm is still a thing, we drink sweet tea like its water, we play outside till the streetlights come on, stop for all funeral progressions by paying our respect’s and the elders are our history books. I could go on and on as I do have some big city dreams, I can’t help but love my small-town community I live in currently.


Soel Dancewear, Destiney MaySoel Dancewear, Destiney May


The Bigger Picture
My dreams are not to become a famous dancer but that doesn’t mean I don’t love dance and that most certainly doesn’t take away from the hard work that I continue to put into it daily. My dreams are to work in the entertainment industry. Yes, that’s broad but as we continue to grow, and mature things change but my love for the stage and the camera never fade. I not only put my best efforts into my dance training but when it comes to modeling, I also work hard at getting the right looks desired. I take classes with my agency and do lots of research on my own. The best techniques are learned through trial and error meaning when I perform on stage at a competition, I am not performing to get that trophy, I am performing for the professional judge’s feedback. I then take those critiques and go back to the studio pushing myself to fix and adjust the changes that need to be made that way the next time will not have the same results. I push myself not to win or be the best but only better than I was, gaining a new skill or trick is always motivating and that much closer to the bigger picture. 


Soel Dancewear, Destiney May


What truly fills my heart with joy?
Ever since I can remember my family has always found ways to give back. Each year we go on vacation we take time to help others. Like going to Disney in Florida we will take one day of our trip and visit Give Kids the World Village (Make a Wish Foundation) spending the day playing with guests, helping with lunch and anything we can do to show them our love and support. When we take our beach vacation we stop by the local park for the disabled. These parks are filled with wheelchair accessible features and activities, so no-one is left out on the fun. Giving back to others and showing support isn’t something we just do on vacations. All through the year we make trips to the Ronald McDonald house helping as needed and sending donations. This is what truly fills my hear with joy as each of these organizations have touched our family in special ways and I am always thrilled to lend a hand or do what I can to return the love. I encourage you to lend a helping hand or take up donations for an organization that touches your heart, I can promise you it truly is a great feeling unlike any other.


Destiney May and Brother, Jaden


II hope you enjoyed reading a little bit about me! I love being part of the Soel Family and being on the Soel Squad has been a dream! I want to give you a special discount code that you can use on your entire purchase through the month of November! Just enter Destiney15 at checkout for 15% off!  So many beautiful ddesigns at Soel Dancewear, it may be hard for you to choose! Click HERE to see what's new. 

xoxo - Des

Destiney May

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